You may have noticed that things look a little different around here. I’ve been working with Dani M of Kismet Book Touring since June to update our page and today is the day we present our new look to you! Take a look around and let us know what you think. I’ve added all of our services for book promotion including blog tours, bookish bling, event and custom photography etc. It will take me a while to completely make the change and update things, but let me know if you have any trouble navigating. And please replace the old Fire and Ice button with our new one. Enjoy!
Out with the old…
In with the new.
Kathryn @ Clean Teen Fiction
It looks amazing! Great job.
Love the new look 🙂
Thank you!
Thanks so much Kathryn 🙂
Julianne Donaldson
Verrrrry nice!