Untraceable Blog Tour

07 Feb, 2012 by in sr johannes, untraceable 1 comment

Fire adn Ice is super excited to be a stop on the official Untraceable blog tour hosted by Mundie Moms. To see all of the stops and find out more click here.

The Nature of Grace #1
by S.R. Johannes
Kindle Edition, 315 pages
Published November 29th 2011
by Coleman and Stott
16-year-old Grace has lived in the Smokies all her life, patrolling with her forest ranger father who taught her about wildlife, tracking, and wilderness survival.
When her dad goes missing on a routine patrol, Grace refuses to believe he’s dead and fights the town authorities, tribal officials, and nature to find him.

Along the way, Grace learns terrible secrets that sever relationships and lives. Soon she’s enmeshed in a web of conspiracy, deception, and murder. And it’s going to take a lot more than a compass and a motorcycle (named Lucifer) for this kick-butting heroine to save everything she lovesOne day, while out tracking clues, Grace is rescued from danger by Mo, a hot guy with an intoxicating accent and a secret. As her feelings between him and her ex-boyfriend get muddled, Grace travels deep into the wilderness to escape and find her father.

Fire and Ice has an exclusive character interview with Grace today.
What is your favorite thing to do with your dad outdoors?
That’s easy, fishing. My dad and I don’t talk much when we go. We just fish next to each other in the river. I love that we can spend that time together without even saying a word.
What’s something you’ve learned about yourself over the course of your story?
I learned that I am not immortal. I don’t think I thought about death or many dark things until my father went missing. I think I always thought, “That would never happen to me.” I’ve learned to appreciate the smaller things more because you never know when they will be gone.
Tell us why you believe you dad is still alive and what you plan to do about it?
My dad would never just fade away into the night. He was a survival expert. He’s been patrolling those woods his whole life. He knows the dangers and he knows how to swim. He didn’t like to swim but he knew every survival tip there was. I don’t believe he would die and not leave a trace. That leads me to believe someone tried to cover something up.
How would you sum up Mo’s personality and what is one thing you love about him?
Mo is a straightforward guy. I loved how he didn’t play games like most guys seem to. He just told me how it was from the very start. He liked me and told me, not knowing if I liked him back. But most of all, he liked me for me – the good and the bad.
What is it you love so much about your town and the wilderness surrounding it?
I love that we are small and know each other. But I love the Smoky Mountains. Most people don’t realize how much wilderness is still left in the US. Especially in the south. They assume Colorado and Montana have all the beauty. I happen to know that beauty exists her and it’s my backyard.
Do you think you’ll be a ranger like your dad when you grow up? Why or why not? And what’s the most important survival skill you have learned?
I’m not sure what I’m going to do. Something with nature or animals but what specifically – I don’t know. I can barely decide on my breakfast so my future is like 365 breakfasts away. 🙂
As far as survival skill – I would say, “tell someone where you are going and when you will check in” I think that would have saved me some heartache.
Author Bio: S.R. Johannes is the author of Untraceable (a teen wilderness thriller) and On The Bright Side ( a tween paranormal).
She started out writing for her local school paper, winning a state Nutrition essay contest for “Be a Smart Cookie”, and singing in a local Jazz band. Somewhere along the way, she earned an MBA in Marketing and embarked on an 18-year marketing career in Corporate America working as a marketing and communications consultant.
In 2000, S.R. traded in her expensive suits, way-too high heels, and corporate lingo for a family, flip-flops, and her love of writing. She started her own marketing & communications business, www.bilaninc.com, and continues creating materials for a variety of large profit and nonprofit clients, including Spanx, Goody Hair Products, Chick Filet, Delta, CARE, and the Boys & Girls Club of America.
S.R.’s dream is to publish children’s books and magically imprint the imaginations of kids. In addition to juggling nap schedules while attending client meetings, Shelli focuses on her writing. She is a frequent marketing speaker at SCBWI conferences across the U.S and runs a popular marketing blog, Market My Words (www.faeriality.blogspot.com) where she provides marketing advice for authors in the hopes of helping them better market their words.
In her spare time (yeah right!) and if the kids allow (yeah right!), Shelli obsesses over movies, reads children’s books (over and over), wishes she could squeeze in Bikram Yoga sessions, and dreams of sleeping in on the weekends.
She currently lives in Atlanta with her dog, British-accented husband, and the huge imaginations of their little prince and princess that someday will change the world.
Find the author on her :EmailBlog/ Twitter/ Author Facebook/ Author Goodreads/

One Response to “Untraceable Blog Tour”

  1. Alison Can Read

    Favorite thing to do with my dad outdoors? Nothing! Haha. Neither my dad nor I are outdoorsy.
    Well, that’s not entirely true. My dad taught me how to run. We used to go running together all the time starting from the time I was 9.


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