1) a signed paperback copy of Haunted,
“Anne is trying her best to live a normal life, but she’s still got some power sparking inside her. She’s hearing and seeing things that she tries her best to ignore-like being haunted by a Russian sea nymph that claims the princess Anastasia is still alive. That’s when Ethan Kozninsky-he of the stunning blue eyes, thick brown hair, and former immortal status-returns. Anne soon realizes that everything she’s been trying to forget might be impossible to bury.”
2) one author signed bookmark
Place your bid by commenting below with your email address and the amount you are willing to donate for all three items together. 100% of the proceeds go directly to Japan tsunami victims humanitarian aide. Auction ends April 11, 2011 at 8 pm MST.
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Bid $5
$15 🙂