Books For Japan Auction #1

30 Mar, 2011 by in Uncategorized 7 comments

By Kiersten White

published August 31st 2010

by HarperTeen


352 pages

isbn 0061985848

5 stars

Sixteen-year-old Evie’s job is bagging and tagging paranormals. Possessing the strange ability to see through their glamours, she works for the International Paranormal Containment Agency. But when someone–or something–starts taking out the vamps, werewolves, and other odd beasties she’s worked hard to help become productive members of society, she’s got to figure it out before they all disappear and the world becomes utterly normal. Normal is so overrated

Our very first books for Japan auction is for a brand new hardback author signed copy of Paranormalcy by Kiersten White from my personal collection. 100% of the proceeds from this auction go to tsunami victims in Japan. Place your bid amount in the comments below. Ends April 5, 2011 at 8 AM MST.

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