33 Habits of a Really Good Man

04 Jan, 2011 by in book giveaway, book review 21 comments

by Yvonne Swinson
Paperback, 96 pages
Published May 8, 2010
by Cedar Fort, Inc.
ISBN 1599554100
5 stars

Summary from the back cover: “It does no good to learn an things if you don’t retain it–no better way to learn behavior than to make it a habit.”- Bill Wells

Bill Wells wasn’t a famous man, but he left an invaluable legacy for those who knew him. He kept a little black notebook full of quotes, proverbs and stories that inspired him. He lived his life by these words of wisdom and taught his children to do the same. Complied by his daughter Yvonne Swinson, 33 habits if a Really Good Man shares Bill’s legacy with you. Each mini-memoir includes one of Bill’s favorite bits of wisdom and how making it a habit can lead to a “really good” life.”

What a perfect time of year to pick up this book! Small, concise and great for gift giving, 33 Habits of A Really Good Man is an inspirational starting point for a New Year and a new life. Yvonne Swinson takes bits of wisdom gathered from her father over the years and combines them with quotes he loved. Some of my favorite thoughts included “Change Begins With Me”, “Don’t Take Offense and “Make it a Habit.” Each chapter is a value Bill Wells stood by and lived. I truly enjoyed this book and would recommend it it to all…not just fathers or men. It’s a power packed read with life lesson learned and an underlying message of love.

We are giving away a signed copy of 33 Habits of A Really Good Man donated by author Yvonne Swinson for our readers. Simply comment below to be entered to win. Giveaway ends February 4, 2011 and is open internationally.

To learn more about this book and the author visit http://www.cedarfortbooks.com/

21 Responses to “33 Habits of a Really Good Man”

  1. Danielle Thorne

    He sounds like an amazing man and what a beautiful tribute! Congratulations!

  2. mariska

    When i saw the cover, i know that i want to give this to my DH (if i won though!)
    count me in 🙂

    uniquas at ymail dot com

  3. MarionG

    I love the premise of this book. It’s something I’d love to have for both of my sons. Good advice is hard to come by.

  4. Taffy

    I’ve been trying to decide if I should buy this book for hubby. Would solve everything if I won it 🙂 lol


  5. PringlesPalo

    wow this is perhaps as valuable as m2b. pls count me in. i’d love to learn and practice the 33 habits of a good man, left as a legacy – and share these to my loved ones. thank you.

  6. lulilut

    Thanks for hosting the giveaway. This looks like something everyone should read.
    d.septer at insightbb.com

  7. Aleetha

    I have seen this book in another blog but Have not known anything about the book. Please count me in

    aleetha.ally at gmail dot com


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