Teaser Tuesday is a weekly book meme hosted by Miz B. of Should Be Reading.
This is how it works: Grab a book that you are currently reading. Turn to any page and grab two teaser sentences from that page. Make sure it’s not a spoiler in case anyone wants to read the book. Include the author and name of the book :
“In spite of the old regret that flashed over him, he held serenity in his countenance, a feeling I yearned for but understood I couldn’t have completely- not right away anyway. Whatever tranquility possessed him, possessed him because of who he now was.” -p. 129 Heavenly by Jennifer Laurens
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I haven’t heard too much about this book and I’m really curious to read it. How are you liking it so far? I will be looking forward to your review. =)
I REALLY liked it. It addresses teenage drug use and alcohol addiction as well as bautism with grace. It has substance, romance and plot that kept me interested until the last page.