Our Waiting on Wednesday is Sweetly by Jackson Pearce. I read her first in the Series “Sisters Red” back in January as part of the Mundie Moms ARC tour and loved it! Then last night while chatting with the author, I hear she is re-working the fairy tale Hansel and Gretel! I am SO excited! One of my favorite fairy tales re-told by an amazing author. As described on Jackson’s website… “SWEETLY is a modernization of Hansel and Gretel and a companion book to SISTERS RED and FATHOMLESS”
Can’t wait for the release in 2011. In the mean time, and while we are still waiting for the release of Sisters Red #1 to stores, enjoy her teaser trailer.
Book Crazy Jenn
OMG I SOOOO AGREE WITH YOU!!! How could you not, after reading Sisters Red NOT want to read Sweetly…I CANT WAIT, great pick!