The Hourglass Door Review and Giveaway

23 Apr, 2010 by in Shadow Mountain 29 comments

published May 13th 2009 by Shadow Mountain
details Hardcover, 416 pages
characters Abagail Beatrice Edmunds, Dante Alexander
isbn 1606410938
5 stars
“Move over Edward – Dante is bound to eclipse you!” – Emily Watts, bestselling author

Synopsis from Goodreads… “In a time when copycats abound, Mangum has created a unique story with interesting characters and an intriguing plot. And because ‘Hourglass’ centers on relationships, fantastical elements feel believable rather than, well, fantastical.” – Deseret News

His past. Her future. Can love bring them together in time?

Abby’s senior year of high school is going according to plan: good friends, cute boyfriend, and college applications in the mail. But when Dante Alexander, foreign-exchange student from Italy, steps into her life, he turns it upside down. He’s mysterious, and interesting, and unlike anyone she’s ever met before. Abby can’t deny the growing attraction she feels for him. Nor can she deny the unusual things that seem to happen when Dante is around. Soon Abby finds herself drawn into a mystery whose roots reach into sixteenth-century Florence, and she uncovers a dangerous truth that threatens not only her future but the lives of those she loves.

“The Hourglass Door has everything: a heroine who is genuine, strong, and lovable; an interesting and compelling love story; gorgeous language, fast pacing, and an intricate and exciting plot. For readers who have been waiting for the next book to sweep them off their feet – this is it.” – Allyson Braithwaite Condie, author of the Yearbook trilogy

I read this book back in May 2009 after I was finished with the Twilight Series and was looking for another strong book to fill the void. I’d never heard of it before but picked it up at Costco while grocery shopping and that was that! It was an incredible book, one of my top ten reads of 2009. If you haven’t had a chance to read it yet this is one you will want to add to your list.
Hourglass Door is a time slip romance that made me curious about Leonardo Da Vinci and helped me to savor my interactions with those I love. This novel teaches you to relish each moment, and take your time in life all while sweeping you way in the arms of a dark handsome Italian boy. This book is one that left an impression on me, open the portals of my imagination and ignited my love for reading again. It’s a must have in my opinion and you are in luck because Shadow Mountian sent us an extra copy!
To Enter to win The Hourglass Door plus bookmarks:
Leave your name and email address below
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+2 Pick your favorite time slip item in our Etsy store and heart it
Giveaway ends May 24, 2010 Good Luck!

29 Responses to “The Hourglass Door Review and Giveaway”

  1. The Graef Family!

    Sweet thanks!! Weird how I just read about this book and the sequel.
    Mary Graef
    +3 added this and its sequel to my to read list on Goodreads- Mary Graef
    +2. Under FinallyMe82 in Etsy I have stuff of yours hearted. (starting a list for the family for my b-day)

  2. buddyt

    The book certainly seems to have made an impression on you. That has made me curious to read it as I had never heard of it before.

    If the giveaway is open worldwide, them please enter me.

    Thank you for the giveaway.

    Carol T

    buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

  3. grace

    +1 grace
    vesipisaroita [at] gmail [dot] com
    +2 favorite item is the Vintaj Brass Clock Necklace.

    thanks! c:

  4. libbeh ♥

    Sounds like a great book to read, so please enter me 🙂

    +2 I hearted your “Time Slip Necklace” (my Esty name is libbeh84)

    +5 I’ve posted this giveaway on my blog at:

    Thanks so much!!



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