Brightly Woven Purse Chile Relief Giveaway

09 Mar, 2010 by in purse 30 comments

Today’s Chiule relief giveaway is from Etsy seller Lorena Ferreira.
Hello everyone, my name is Lorena. I was born in Chile and raised in New York. I started knitting first (self taught at 19), then crocheting when I was expecting my second baby (I have 3), and finally weaving–self taught too–I read everything that comes into my hands, of course the internet, …but mainly I get my hands “dirty” and weave.

I explore, experiment, and intuition is my way of going about making all my textiles. I start with colors—putting them next to each other…sometimes it takes weeks for me to figure out what will go with what…and the where is an ongoing process during the weaving (or crocheting…or felting). I learned to wet felt last year (self taught…what a surprise)…and I love it.

I make one of a kind textiles, non-reproducible (I’ve tried) , unique… you will see (and feel hopefully).

This one of a kind and unique clutch is just bursting with color, ready to go to a party, to cocktails, work..anywhere. The truth is she just wants to be seen!!!
Crocheted in two shades of rosie pink and bulky rainbow…she then went for a swim in hot water and soap, and came out beautifully felted and strong.
Spunky hand felted blossom in handspun/handyed rainbow with black petals and a huge pinback so you can wear it on your coat, scarf….
she is 10-12″ wide
and 8″tall (without handles..add 3 more inches)
¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
(¸.·´ (¸*´¨(♥

To Enter To Win A Brightly Woven Inspired Purse: leave your name and email address below
Additional entries
+2 go to Etsy and heart her shop
+3 for each dollar contibuted to the Chile relief earthquake fund, click on the yellow donate button right sidebar
+2 Visit her blog and comment
+1 tweet this contest @FireIcePhotos and leave the link
+5 post it on your blog or facebook- leave the link
+5 add our button to your blog
+3 follow us on twitter @FireIcePhotos
+3 become a fan of Fire and Ice on Facebook
Add your entries up and leave the total in your comment

Contest ends on April 9, 2010 and is open internationally. Please email us of you cannot comment below. Thanks and Good Luck!

30 Responses to “Brightly Woven Purse Chile Relief Giveaway”

  1. Alexi

    Wow, that’s lovely. The color of the purse is really attracting and also very pretty in appearance. I would love to have one such piece.

  2. Shiv

    That’s beautiful and attractive. The purse you have pictured is really very fantastic. You have a nice art of knitting.

  3. Book Addict Girl

    Wow, cute purse!

    +3 following on twitter


  4. Jacob

    Wow, That’s really very beautiful. I love such types of purses. You have got lots of art in yourself. Hope to learn from you.

  5. rose

    Enter me please =)
    I’m Rose. email is joonieshoney at hotmail dot com
    +3 following FireIcePhotos on twitter
    +3 fan of Fire and Ice on Facebook

    total = 7

  6. Misfit Momma aka Missy

    Love this purse !

    Melissa S. / Missy
    seksi_missy at hotmail dot com +1

    I Heart her etsy shop as missywpg +2
    Tweeted : +1
    Blogged : +5
    I have your button in my blog : +5

    I’m a fan of Fire and Ice on Facebook (Melissa S.) +3

    I follow you on twitter @FireIcePhotos (@missy_wpg) +3

    Total = 20

  7. Moody

    That’s beautiful and attractive. The purse you have pictured is really very fantastic. You have a nice art of knitting.

  8. Nikki

    That’s beautiful and attractive. The purse you have pictured is really very fantastic. You have a nice art of knitting.

  9. Ryan

    The idea is really fantastic. Having portable fire extinguisher in each home is in fact an excellent thought. People have to think of their own safety. The video depicted is really amazing.


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