published February 1st 2010 by Zondervan
details Paperback, 224 pages
isbn 0310292476
Summary Form Good Reads- In Picking Dandelions, author Sara Cunningham explains how coming to religion through the front door—rather than through a weeping, born-again conversion—can make it difficult to understand how faith changes life, and even harder to grasp why it must. This memoir is a candid and personal account of outgrowing laissez-faire Christianity, moving into mature faith, and realizing that a God-following person is a changing person … and you just might follow suit.
Picking Dandelions is a poetic memoir of Sara’s childhood that really pulls the reader in and feel a part of it. Her writing is poetic ands beautiful as she describes growing up in a world that does not resemble Eden but is magical none the less. Her descriptions of corn fields, games, and neighborhood friends make you re-live your own memories.
“All of our life- our house, our yard, ad the worlds of our imaginations- was a mystery like the Nancy Drew books I devoured.” p.18
I truly enjoyed how Sara described her faith as a child and how she changed as the book progressed. …”as a child my faith was just fine, thank you, swinging above the danger to the safety of our tree-plank, breeze in my hair.” p.24
As Sara grows up she learns she is living in the world and that world has flaws and so does she. We go with her through life experiences and she begins to acknowledge that Faith takes every day weeding and re-seeding….”the overall summary is that some changes went well, but others didn’t, and almost all are still in process. Like that dandelion, I reproduces flaws a number of times along the way.” p. 169
What a great book with a beautiful message. Be a good gardener of the small strip of land you live in, work with faith in a world full of weeds and beautiful things will grow.
The Graef Family!
This book sounds like a good refreshing read to remind you of what life really is. I for sure going to have to read it. Thanks for the review!