About pareeerica / Parée
Currently: Newcastle, Australia
I am: Female Occupation: Entertainment Consultant
I have always been interested in Photography & Design. I love Photoshop, I have been using Photoshop CS3 Extended for around 2 years now, I am self taught. I have learnt all of what I do from online tutorials & also by “fiddling”~ I feel this is the best way to learn anything ~ keep trying until you work it out………I can’t get enough of it. I find it is a great creative outlet. It lets me go places I only dream of.
I hope to travel to Egypt one day
Treat others as you would like to be treated
Enter to win a photo fix here:
+1 for visiting her photostream and commenting below your favorite photo
+3 for sharing this contest on facebook-leave the link
+5 Share this contest on your blog
+3 Tweet it on twitter- leave the link
+5 add our button to your site
+3 become a fan of Fire and Ice on Facebook
+2 for following us on Twitter @fireicephotos
Total your entries and leave them in the comments below
Contest ends February 27th, 2010
If she lives in australia, does that mean aussies can enter? if so…
+1 Fav photo would be Beyond the waterfall
+3 Tweet on twitter
+3 a fan on fb (bianca f)
+2 following on twitter
Entries: 9
ok thanks =)
Yes yes…it is International 🙂
+1 http://www.flickr.com/photos/8078381@N03/4336719110/
+3 become a fan of Fire and Ice on Facebook – done Sarah keery
+2 for following us on Twitter @fireicephotos – done @seriouslykooky
6 entries sarah[dot]keery[at]googlemail[dot]com
Alicia Milburn – pickle.06(at)hotmail(dot)com
+1 It was so hard to just pick one fav so this is one among many. The Undead Enchantress http://www.flickr.com/photos/8078381@N03/3976266112/
+3 Facebook post http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/alicia.milburn?v=feed&story_fbid=318346262992&ref=mf
+3 Tweet – http://twitter.com/MrsCullenized/status/9125756582
+3 Facebook Fan (alicia Milburn)
+2 Twitter follower (MrsCullenized)
12 entries.
+1 for visiting her photostream and commenting below your favorite photo ~ Absolutely amazing textures & photos. I can’t believe it is all self taught, amazing! My favorite is If the key Fit & Doors all around from the Alice series!
+5 Share this contest on your blog ~ http://momcontests.blogspot.com/2010/02/paree-photofix-contest.html
+3 Tweet it on twitter- http://twitter.com/momof2dancers/status/9360773447
+5 add our button to your site
+3 become a fan of Fire and Ice on Facebook
+2 for following us on Twitter @fireicephotos ~ momof2dancers
19 entries
Lindsay's Photographys
I would LOVE to win this!
Thankyou!! :D:D:D