Meet Kimbra Hickey Hands of Twilight

03 Dec, 2009 by in Origins CD, Stephenie Meyer Leave a comment

We want to thank Kimbra Hickey, the Hands of Twilight, for being such a great friend and support for us at all three conventions Fire and Ice has attended. She is an amazing person!
Heather Gardner (vocalist for Esme) and Daniel Jackson (Edward) with Kimbra, holding a copy of the CD “Origins” by Daniel Jackson/ Eternal Conflict.
Kimbra in Salt Lake City at the New Moon Experience hosted by Events By Alice and Twilight MOMS.

Her booth at Creation’s Official Twilight Tour in Parsippanny, New Jersey.
Photos by Heather Gardner Photography all rights reserved. Do not download or copy without prior permission for use.

The pose this beautiful hand model has become so famous for. Kimbra is down to earth and friendly with all of her fans.

Kimbra with Twilight MOM and Fire and Ice fan Jennifer Keyser at her booth in New Jersey. What a fun booth neighbor she was for all of us. And, she made her own apple smelling hand lotion with sparkly glitter!

We first met Kimbra in Dallas, Texas at TwiTour. Here she is with TwilightMOMS founder Lisa Hansen and Daniel Jackson, Edward at the Vampire Ball.

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